最適化の基礎講義 / Basic lecture on optimization


Evaluator (using query string) & Solver (written in python)



Image of multi-objective optimization test problems

Number of variables D = 5 (if possible).
Left image is Pareto front.
Center image is Pareto front and random points. Point size N = 200.
Right image is Pareto front and grid points. Point size N = 21^5.

Red points are Parto optimal solution.
Blue points are infeasible solution.
Grey points are feasible solution.

Examples (DTLZ1)

List of problems


Y. Tian, R. Cheng, X. Zhang, and Y. Jin, PlatEMO: A MATLAB platform for evolutionary multi-objective optimization [educational forum], IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 2017, 12(4): 73-87.

I use PlatEMO. Some Problems directory files and Public directory files are same as old version of PlatEMO.
I hope visitors can help their visual understanding of multi-objective optimization problem.

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